Jairo H Migueles
Author of 2 CRAN packages
Jairo H Migueles has worked on 2 packages so far. Two's company, but it looks like Jairo H Migueles is just getting warmed up! Jairo H Migueles has collaborated with 19 other authors. That's a huge network of talent—imagine all those lines of communication and brilliant ideas flying around!
2 Packages
- Vincent T van Hees
- Zhou Fang
- Taren Sanders
- Severine Sabia
- Matthew R Patterson
- Joe Heywood
- Joan Capdevila Pujol
- Lena Kushleyeva
- Mathilde Chen
- Manasa Yerramalla
- Patrick Bos
- Chenxuan Zhao
- Gaia Segantin
- Medical Research Council UK
- Accelting
- French National Research Agency
- Jing Hua Zhao
- Evgeny Mirkes
- Dan Jackson